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A. Leroy Elkins vs Dr. I. W. Yandell (Freewill Baptist)
October 14, 1920
Center, Oklahoma

(By J. Will Henley)

It was my happy privilege to attend the above debate held at Center, Oklahoma. The general church propositions were discussed. Dr. I. W. Yandell, who is without a doubt the ablest Freewill Baptist debater on the rostrum today, represented that side of the question. No living man can do a better job than Yandell does in defense of his doctrine. He is scholarly, quick, and seasoned by long years of experience. But when he or any other man affirming a false proposition meets A. Leroy Elkins, he will find himself "between a rock and a hard place."

I have always loved, honored, and respected and appreciated Bro. Elkins, but not until now have I had opportunity to see the man and his powers thrown into a "fight to a finish" in defense of our Lord's way. Clean, argumentative, logical, scholarly, quick and piercing with an argument or a stricture on his opponent, he readily shows himself master of the situation. Bro. Elkins made all the old strong arguments and some that were new to me and, I think, to Dr. Yandell.

