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J. W. Dunn vs W. E. Pippen (Baptist)
March 4, 1909
Palestine, Arkansas

(By W. S. Long)

J. W. Dunn met W. E. Pippen at Palestine, Arkansas. Debated general church question. Six-day debate.

On the first day, Bro. Dunn showed by abundance of scriptural proof, both in prophecy and in actual fulfillment, that
the church was established on the one foundation on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of the Savior. He further showed by invincible testimony that hee was truly apostolic in name, law of pardon, worship, service, and life, and challenged Elder Pippen to show one thing he taught that he could not read from God's word.

Elder Pippen battled with all his mental strength, but to no avail, for the walls of God's truth are not overthrown. Elder Pippen once belonged to the Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas. He came into the body under the preaching of T. R. Burnette.

The Palestine Church is a noble little band. In part they are like the congregation of Philippi which is often called "the model church." Bro. Luke Marshal is working with them. We are well pleased with Bro. Dunn's defense of the truth. He is a soldier for Christ's sake, and in his hands the truth will see victory.

