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John E. Dunn vs Dr. J. W. Hailey (Methodist)
July 4, 1901
Lewis County, Tennessee

(By H. N. Mann, Riverside, Tennessee)

Began June 8, in Lewis County, Tennessee.

Dunn affirmed: Baptism in water is for (unto) the remission of past sins. On the third night, Dr. Hailey did not appear and would not debate at the time agreed. Dr. Hailey seemed to want to be fair and honest in dealing with God's word, and made an effort to defend Methodist doctrine, but, like the house built on the sand, when Bible facts came against it, the foundation would not stand.

As Bro. Dunn was preparing to leave, Mr. G. L. Hensley (Methodist) came to the debate and proposed to debate the subject for four more nights. This was agreeable to Dunn. The debate ran four nights and was well attended. Mr. Hensley evaded the subject and made his argument entirely on faith along. We were well pleased with Bro. Dunn's work. He stands firmly on the topic under discussion and will not let an opponent lead him off.

