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Bro. Duck vs A. U. Nunnery (Missionary Baptist)
November 15, 1906
Pipkin, Tennessee

(By Kittie Lancaster, Sardis, Tennessee)

Good feeling during most of debate. Mr. Nunnery affirmed Church question for two days. He tried hard to prove the Missionary Baptist Church is the Church of Christ and was established on Mount Zion during personal ministry of Christ; that faith alone saves us; that once in Christ there is no possible chance to get out.

Bro. Duck showed very clearly that Baptist Church had no foundation, the cornerstone not being tried at this time; that it had no head; that it had no remission of sins or salvation in it; the blood of Christ had not been shed. It had no spirit; under law of Moses had incomplete gospel, commission was limited to Jews. These and many other objections were brought forward to prove the Missionary Baptist Church is not the Church of Christ. Bro. Duck proved by many scriptures that the Church of Christ was established on the first Pentecost after the resurrection; that it is pure and spotless; that after faith, repentance and confession, one is baptized into Christ; that baptism saves from past sins, and to be saved eternally we must endure to the end.

Bro. Burnette's reward of $100 for a Baptist Church prior to 1607 was kept before Mr. Nunnery during the entire discussion. Many Baptist authorities were introduced to prove that the Missionary Baptist Church has departed from the Baptist faith of one or two hundred years ago. This caused Mr. Nunnery o repudiate J. R. Graves and others on the design of baptism, church succession, etc. Bro. Duck spoke of this as "fighting fire with fire." Baptists with Baptists. Bro. Duck is comparatively a young man, but he is a strong debater.

