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B. L. Douthitt (Cookeville, Tennessee) vs J. M. Hooker (Missionary Baptist, Dublin, Kentucky)
near Murray Kentucky

(By Coleman Overby)

March 19-22 at New Providence, near Murray, Kentucky.

W. O. Hargrove was to have represented the Baptist cause instead of Mr. Hooker; but due to physical condition, he got Mr. Hooker to substitute. The matter was sorely regretted. Each debater affirmed his belief for two days on baptism and apostasy. The questions were thoroughly discussed. There was a marked difference in the manner of conduct and method of presentation of the subject matter by the speaker. Mr. Hooker labored hard to sustain the Baptist cause. He did about as well as any Baptist preacher could do. With few exceptions, he conducted himself in a commendable way. He persisted in calling the people of God "Campbellites" a number of times. Under pressure, he lost his temper and said harsh things. Perhaps he should not be too severely censured; his doctrine was under fire and he was forced to do so.

Bro. Douthitt did his work in a highly commendable way. He is pleasing in his address, appears well before an audience, makes his arguments in a telling way, illustrates his points by timely use of well-prepared charts and by striking use of blackboard outlines. He is kind toward his opponent at all times, but exposes error in no uncertain language and relentlessly presses the attach, so that no one can mistake the difference. He maintains the confidence and respect of the audience at all times.

Bro. Douthitt is just 30 years of age; has held 14 debates and learned much. His contrast between the Bible and Baptist doctrine on design of baptism will be long remembered. No pressure could get Hooker to examine the scriptures.

Baptist preachers: Messrs. Thurmond, Hawley, Smith, Washers. Brethren were: I. A. Douthitt, David Thompson, Alonzo Williams, J. G. Malphurs, J. Stanley Jones, Charlie Sweat, Jewel Norman, R. L. Hart, and Lluther Roberts. W. O. Hargrove moderated for Hooker. Coleman Overby moderated for Douthitt. Hospitality was good.

