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B. L. Douthitt vs T. F. Lowery (Missionary Baptist)
August 12, 1926
Whitthorne, Tennessee

(By E. L. Whitaker)

July 20-23. Met at Whitthorne, Tennessee.

Debated Baptism - Apostasy. Bro. Douthitt pressed Lowery to tell unto what he baptized people. His first position was: for the remission of sins, figuratively. His second position was: for remission of sins - because of remission of sins. His third position was: unto repentance for the remission of sins.

On apostasy, Lowery admitted that a believer could cease to believe and not be an apostate. He said one did not have to be faithful to go to heaven. When pressed to tell what became of Judas Iscariat, he finally said he was on one of the twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. The Baptists admitted their defeat. Bro. Douthitt is pleasant, fair, and knows how to press a point. He is a young man and I predict for him a great future.

Brethren: W. T. Beasley, Alonzo Williams, J. R. Stockard.

