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W. Ray Duncan vs E. L. Johns (Missionary Baptist)
March 23, 1967
near Fort Pierce, Florida

(By W. Ray Duncan)

Four nights in January and four nights in February terminated what was to be a ten-day debate between Duncan and E. L. Johns of First Baptist Church near Fort Pierce, Florida.

Mr. Johns said that a group of saved teenagers, should they desire to do so to enliven an all night party, might turn the party into an "adultery party" with no jeopardy to their salvation. Baptists have to take this position to justify their "impossibility of apostasy" doctrine.

Mr. Johns affirmed that the Church of the Lord began on the shores of Galilee while Christ was on earth, and this church was for Jews only, and his second church began on Pentecost after his resurrection and ascension, and was world-wide in scope and includes all nations, races, and languages, but he refused to explain how the American Baptist Church could be either - since they are not Jews, nor will they allow a colored person or Negro inside their building. The American Baptist Church will fit into neither group.

