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C. D. Crouch vs W. J. Watson (Missionary Baptist)
May 25, 1928
White House, Tennessee

(By C. D. Crouch)

On June 18 at White House, Tennessee, a six-day debate.

From the reports that have reached me, Watson has been giving it out that he is something great; that he has had many debates and is as ready for many more. My brethren have been anxious for a debate for a long time. Unless Watson backs out, we will have a debate. After much parleying over conditions of agreement and some effort to dictate to me how I should debate, he has finally affixed his signature to the propositions and letters of agreement, and the date set.

There is some advantage after all, in being "a man of no reputation." Watson has declined to meet some brethren of repute who have been in that community, and I dare say I have been able to achieve what none of the "big preachers" could have done. They couldn't get Watson to agree to debate.

