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Guy N. Woods vs Roy E. Cogdill (Orphan homes, cooperation in evangelism)
February 13, 1958
Birmingham, Alabama

(By Thomas B. Warren)

Contradictions of Roy Cogdill:
1) According to Cogdill, the only thing the church can build is another church, but that which the church builds for the benefit of orphan children is not a church.

2) Cogdill says he has been preaching for 43 years that the church should take care of its own orphans, yet he assisted placing children in Boles Home, stating that the churches of Christ should support these children there.

3) He insists that elders must operate the child care agency, that this is not a church, yet denies that elders can oversee anything except the church. Many more blunders could be given.

Cogdill made no effort to answer these inconsistencies and blunders. Men of ability do not get themselves into such illogical tangles when they have the truth. It is the candid opinion of this writer that Roy E. Cogdill is a man of sufficient intelligence and debating ability to avoid such blunders - if he only had the truth on this question! Not having the truth - and facing a man of Wood's ability - the inevitable came to pass: his speeches were literally filled with self-contradictions and blunders. On orphan homes Woods proved it is scriptural of churches to send funds to orphan homes so children may be adequately provided with necessities.

