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Guy N. Woods vs Leroy Garrett (located preacher)
October 27, 1955
Dallas, Texas

(By H. C. McCaghren)

Aug. 15 - 18, 1955 - Guy N. Woods vs Leroy Garrett at Cedar Crest church building in Dallas, Tex.

The auditorium, which seats over 700, was filled to capacity every night with some standing on two occasions. Bro. Woods did a fine job in setting forth the truth regarding the work of a gospel preacher. A man and his wife left the "anti" group after hearing one session.

Here are some of Garrett's inconsistencies.

1. Argues that there is no place for the evangelist where there are elders, yet admits that elders may call in an evangelist to assist them.
2. Charges that when an evangelist feeds the flock (even if for one day and without support) he becomes a pastor, yet says that he may assist the elders in doing the work which God ordained for them to do.
3. Claims that he teaches mutual ministry which includes every saint, yet excludes all the women, and all the men
who are capable teachers.
4. Says in his tract that there is no work fo ran evangelist in a congregation with elders , yet admits that elders may call in an evangelist for a ten day meeting.
5. Argued that preachers ought to support themselves wholly or in part by secular labor, and then said that preachers should be paid for preaching and paid well.
6. Used Phil. 1:5 to prove that Paul never accepted support from a congregation for work done while with the congregation, then in his next speech denied that this passage had anything to do with support at all.
7. Says there is no authority for elders calling in a gospel preacher to convict the gainsayers (they should do the work themselves), yet accepts calls himself from elders for debates, conferences and meetings.
8. Teaches (in Bible talk) that you cannot hear the good news of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection but one time, yet says it is possible to preach the gospel to be member of the Baptist church.
9. Contends that an evangelist cannot have a fixed place of residence, but must go from city to city (citing the example of Christ), yet has said that a man might stay in the same city fifty year sand do the work of an evangelist.
10. Attempts to limit support to the preacher on the basis of need alone, then declares that he believes a preacher may be paid and paid well.
11. Declares that when a preacher teaches the flock, he usurps the function of the elders, yet admits that elders may ask a preacher to assist them in the work God desires them to do.
12. Demands book, chapter, and verse where elders ever employed a preacher to work regularly with the church, yet refuses to give book, chapter, and verse where elders ever employed an evangelist to conduct a ten days meeting.

