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On the above debate
Guy N. Woods vs Leroy Garrett (located preachers & schools)
July 1, 1954
Stockton, California

(By Guss Eoff)

Guy B. Woods vs Leroy Garrett at Stockton, Calif., March 18-22.

The debate did much good. The brotherhood has been split by these people (antis) many congregations have been torn apart. The debate was a great victory for the truth.

Bro. Woods did a splendid job. Bro. Garrett failed miserably. He never answered one argument that bro. Woods presented. He spent his time reading from articles in school papers and those that bro. Woods had written. Bro. Woods had to continually rebuke him for laving out part of the article which revealed the truth. I talked to several hundred brethren who heard the debate and all expressed the same disappointment in Leroy Garrett. They were all the more convinced that we should continue to support the matters that were debated. Guy N. Woods was prepared to meet any arguments, and did a masterful job.


