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Guy N. Woods vs F. J. Crosswell (Christian Advent Church)
January 16, 1941
Sulphur, Oklahoma

(By John R. Fulmer)

Dec. 16-21 at Sulphur. Okla.

While they were discussing the "nature of man," Mr. Crosswell, veteran debater, admitted that Christ existed as a conscious being before he was born of the virgin Mary, but when Woods wrote Crosswell 4 definitions of a spirit on the board and asked in which of these Christ existed, Crosswell denied his existence in any form.

While they were on the "punishment of the wicked," Crosswell authorized bro. Woods to write on the board, "The worm did die," Crosswell, "the worm will not die," (Bible), thus contradicting the Bible. Yet Crosswell did not like for bro. Woods to call him an infidel. On the "kingdom question," Crosswell admitted that at Christ's second coming he would deliver up the kingdom to God ( I Cor. 15:24), and shook hands with bro. Woods on it. Quite an admission for an Advent debater!

Many of the Advent people have admitted defeat to us. This is the 4th time Crosswell has debated with a representative of the church of Christ here. Among the brethren who have attended all of them, I heard such expressions as these: "I have been attending since I was 15 years old, and have heard at least a hundred; bro. Woods did the best job of defending th truth and defeating materialism I ever heard." "This is the first real debate we have had, I sure that the debate strengthened the church and did good in the community."

