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John R. Williams vs J. R. Clark (Missionary Baptist)
December 7, 1916
Lake County, Tennessee

(By T. M. Carvey)

J. R. Clark affirmed: For two days general church propositions. Clark never gave scriptural authority nor authentic history to show where the missionary Baptist Church began. He used Bible quotations in vain as bro. Williams turned them against him. Bro. Williams showed that the word "Baptist" in the since Baptists use it is not found in the Bible, and, when correctly translated means "immersion," "dipper," etc. Mr. Clark then tried to rattle his chain of church succession back to the days of John the Baptist, and he made a complete failure.

Bro. Williams affirmed: Origin, doctrine, and practice of the church of Christ. On this he showed unusual strength. In his first speech he laid the foundation of his contention, and stayed with that position for 2 days, and Mr. Clark never refuted it. Bro. Williams has not had a debate before this one in 8 or 9 years and really did not want to hold this one. Mr. Clark had been holding meetings for the Baptists and preached his errors. He became very offensive to members of the church. The behavior of the audience was excellent. I never saw better attendance than these good people of Lake Co.

