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W. R. Willcutt vs C. F Parker & and N. V. Parker (Primitive Baptist)
April 12, 1923
Hackleburg, Alabama

(By A. M. Kennedy)

On Dec. 26, 1922 W. R. Willcutt C. F. Parker in a 5 day debate at Hackleburg, Ala.

The Baptists were not pleased with C. F. Parker's defense of their doctrine. They said they would get N. V. Parker, father of C. F., to meet bro. Willcutt. They said he was a "nail driver," their best in this part of Ala. So the debate began on Feb. 12 with Parker and his brethren in high spirits.

They were so well pleased with C. F. Parker's defense the first day they challenged bro. Willcutt to stay all the next week. He agreed to stay. On he 2nd day of debate bro. Willcutt pressed Parker so hard on conditional salvation, Parker admitting faith as a condition of salvation, he began to weaken, and so much so that his brethren on the 3rd day took bro. Willcutt aside and told him they were not pleased with the older Parker's defense of their doctrine. ON the 4th day the Baptists were not present, and Parker asked Willcutt to let him quit, as his brethren had gone back on him. He asked bro. Willcutt to meet him again.

So, another debate was set for Feb. 27 and was to last4 days and nights. When we arrived Parker and his brethren were present. Bro. Willcutt defeated him so badly on apostasy and foot washing the 2nd day there was not a one of his brethren present, not even his moderator. He asked the congregational preacher publicly if he didn't think it was best to quit the debate, as his brethren had all quit him, and he said he did.

The brethren were well pleased with bro. Willcutt's defense of the truth.

