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J. Porter Wilhite vs D. N. Jackson (Baptist)
January 11, 1951
Burnsville, Mississippi

(By J. Porter Wilhite)

My recent debate with D. N. Jackson at Burnsville, Miss. Jackson was paid to let me have the last speech. Such a thing was never before known where he debated; at least, I had never heard of such a thing. In the 11 months we worked on arranging the debate, I said I would give $5.00 to see Jackson change his mind just one time. One of my brethren made the same statement in the community. So, Mr. Jackson took advantage of this in one speech. I arose and handed him a five-dollar bill and said it was worth it to see him change his mind. He gladly accepted it and said someone else owed him. Bro. Arnold handed him another five-dollar bill. So be it known that it takes money to get Mr. Jackson to debate where the other man has the last speech. This is the first time in history that Mr. Jackson has let one of us have the last speech.

Although it was cold most of the time, large crowds attended. The 1st night possibly 50 stood throughout the two- hour sessions. The next day 100 chairs were added, but still people stood. The last night 150 stood for two hours, I believe we had more Baptists to hear this debate than I ever knew attended one.

I affirmed the church was establish on Pentecost and used Pendleton's Baptist Church Manual to define the church. He said it is a congregation of Christ's baptized disciples, acknowledging him as their head, relying on his atoning sacrifice for justification, depending on the H. S. for sanctification, and united in the belief of the gospel. I then showed that baptism to them was immersion in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which was never authorized until after the resurrection; therefore, there could not have been a church before the resurrection. Too, Christ was made head after he was raised and seated in heaven (Eph. 1:18-23). Therefore, there could not have been such a church as the Baptist Manual defines before he was raised. Also after his "atoning sacrifice" he work of the H. S. And the preaching of the gospel came on Pentecost.

The last half of the debate was on baptism I used several charts to which Jackson ignored. I wrote on the board: "Baptism does also now save us" (Peter)' and "baptism doe not save us." I asked Jackson to erase the one which was wrong. He would not erase either.

