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J. Porter Wilhite vs C. C. Bishop (Baptist)
January 30, 1941
Minden, Louisiana

(By Glenn A. Parks)

J. Porter Wilhite debated C. C. Bishop at Minden, La., Nov. 19, 1940

The first night of the debate Mr. Bishop affirmed. Some of us thought he would never make it through his first speech. He showed signs of fear and insecurity through it all. The man never had a moderator, and very little support from the Baptists. Truly, he did labor under difficulty from the start. He asked me to keep his time, which I gladly did.

In the second session Mr. Bishop came into the negative following a barrage of unanswerable arguments advanced by bro. Wilhite. Bishop spoke 10 minutes and stated someone else would have to be secured to carry on his part of the discussion, as he was ill. So this ended a profitable debate. Bro. Wilhite's work was excellent. Bishop made no new Baptist arguments, but he made some admissions that were fatal to his doctrine.

