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J. S. White vs Jesse Neal (Baptist)
March 7, 1912

(By F. O. Howell)

This discussion was held at Flint Baptist Church near Alma, Ky. Feb. 6-9. The origin, doctrine and practice of the church were discussed.

Bro. White is a young preacher of splendid ability. Jesse Neal is one of J.B. Moody's pupils of reasonable ability for a young man. Bro. White presented the usual line of arguments brought to bear by our brethren, to which Neal paid very little attention. He threatened to read from"authorities" a number of times on points of doctrine, but always avoided bringing them forward. He employed the tactics of Baptists preachers generally. His brethren thought very well of his efforts until he got into the affirmation the last two days, when they were made to feel very piercingly his inability to defend their cause. Neal, too, saw what was coming and put forth every effort possible to keep his doctrine from under the hammer, but in vain.

There were fifteen Baptist preachers present, all of whom, except possibly one or two, tricked their heads and felt their defeat. They have, like R.H. Pique, become so "seared" that truth makes no impression upon them.

Bro. White is entirely capable of defending the cause with any ordinary Baptist preacher. Our brethren were dreading the battle before the discussion began, but they were well pleased with his efforts. He is a zealous, consecrated, sacrificing, deserving young preacher, we cheerfully commend him to the respect and love of the brethren.

