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J. P. Watson vs J. P. Bilyen (Baptist)
August 28, 1913
Holly Springs, Tennessee

(By W. L. Hunter)

An interesting debate at Holly Springs, Overton Co.

The plan of salvation was debated two days. Bro. Watson aff: "Hearing, faith, repentance, confession, baptism, pardon and prayer." Bilyen aff: "Hearing, repentance, prayer, faith, pardon, confession and baptism."

Bilyen ignored bro. Watson's scriptures, but only affirmed what he was to affirm the next day. Bro. Watson diagramed the commission on the board. Mr. Bilyen ignored it by saying that he did not intend to diagram men's souls to hell. He never tried to show nay fallacy in the diagram. In his affirmative Mr. Bilyen gave the same scriptures as proof that he used the day before in his denial. Bro. Watson showed how they contradicted other plain scriptures.

Bro. Watson had given Bilyen 46 written questions which were lying on the stand. At the close of the debate Bilyen had still not answered them. Mr. Bilyen said he did not come here to answer questions, but he had plenty to ask. Mr. Bilyen gave a challenge to the whole church. If bro. Watson would bring up the horse he would find the rider. Bro. Watson took that as a challenge and accepted. So we hope to have another debate soon. No moderators were needed as both men conducted themselves very nicely. Bro. Willie Hunter preached at night and baptized one.

