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E. P. Watson vs A. J. Sloan (Baptist)
March 29, 1928
Fountain Head, Tennessee

(By C. R. Crouch)

Debate held at Jones' Chapel near Fountain Head, Tenn, March 12-15.

Sloan affirmed that faith in Jesus Christ is the last condition of salvation. Sloan introduced about 28 "arguments" based upon perhaps more than a hundred passages, provided the same passages be counted every time they were cited. He introduced he same passages frequently in support of his different "arguments." Bro. Watson met his arguments and completely refuted them all, so far as those who were careful to weigh evidence were concerned.

This is bro. Watson's first debate. He is considerably handicapped by the condition of his eyes; but the brethren were well pleased with his work. Knowing his afflicted condition, and also knowing Sloan's strength and manner of debating, I was really fearful as to the outcome of the debate, but, after hearing it all, I want to say that E.P. Watson is capable of taking care of the truth in debate with any Baptist. I have heard about all of the debaters of repute in the Baptist ranks, and have met some of them myself, and I regard A.J. Sloan as hard to meet as any man I have ever heard defend Baptist doctrine.

