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Joe S. Warlick vs D. B. Ray (Baptist)
May 5, 1903
Okeene, Oklahoma Territory

(By Joe S. Warlick)

Debate held at Salt Creek Baptist Church , six miles east of Okeene, Blaine Co., O.T.

D.B. Ray, formerly known as "Battle Flag Ray," represented the Baptists; I defended the truth. The debate began April 1st and lasted for 3 1⁄2 days. The church question was discussed. Ray defended his position for 1 1⁄2 days, refusing to do so any longer. I affirmed proposition during the last two days of the debate. I feel sure that good will result from this discussion.

I found Ray as I expected - very rough and ungentlemanly in his bearing toward his opponent. He is much weaker in argument than reported by his friends; in fact, he is one of the weakest men in argument that I have met. He was very mad throughout the debate, and refused to speak to me the last day or to shake hands with me after the debate closed. This action somewhat embarrassed his own brethren, some of whom expressing their regret that Ray had acted so; they were actually ashamed of him.

The Methodists who stood with us during the debate, kindly allowed me to preach in their house of worship on Lord's day following the debate, and there a large audience greeted me. Ray preached in the Baptist church to his brethren - not to all of them, however, for some of them came to the Methodist church.

