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J. D. Walling vs Mr. Wooldridge (Methodist)
April 20, 1216
Wayne County, Kentucky

In the Methodist Church, Wayne County, Ky., Feb. 28 - four days.

But the Methodists closed one day early, they said, due to bad weather. Mr. Wooldridge is an artful dodger and plays shut mouth when he can't answer. He tried to prove Holy Spirit baptism. He made the usual arguments and read from A. Campbell in the Rice debate. He asked if I endorsed A.C., and I said, "Yes, not because A.C. said it, but because it was the truth." I made a Campbellite out of him with John 3:5 and Acts 8:38. I asked him where the great multitude of Rev. 7:14 were baptized by the Holy Spirit? Wooldridge never used all his time in a single speech. One lady told the Methodists to take her name off the church book.

