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G. K. Wallace vs E. E. Stauffer (Lutheran - Infant Baptism & Lord's Supper)
September 2, 1937
Wichita, Kansas

(By Foy E. Wallace, Jr.)

March, 1937, Wichita, Kan. in the study of the Lutheran church. (Stauffer did not want to debate in the open public.)

It was the most unique discussion in subject matter and manner of presentation. Stauffer's defeat is evident in the utter confusion manifested by him and his group. Without a definite proposition and without knowing the course Stauffer would follow, it was necessary for G.K. to present his matter, as well as answer all questions extempore, but he was, nevertheless, master of the dialogue every minute. Like Appolos with the Jews, he entered the Lutheran synagogue and "boldly disputed with them"; and "being fervent in spirit" and "mighty in the scriptures, he confounded them."

This is a paper-bound volume of 123 pages. John T. Hinds said, "Though Stauffer refused to have a regular debate open to the public, the work really was a debate, and especially interesting because of the unique manner in which it was conducted.

N. B. Hardeman wrote: "I have just read the discussion (G. K. W - E. E. S) on the subject of infant baptism and the Lord's supper. Mr. Stauffer is an able man and a fine representative of his church, but even he could not sustain a single argument in behalf of error.

Bro. Wallace is a young man of humble bearing. He knows the truth and should himself complete master of the situation throughout the discussion. This book is interesting from the beginning and when read it will emphasize how solid is the rock on which wed stand and how impregnable the truth for which we should ever contend."

