Jon Gary Williams
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Another Report on the above debate - Wallace vs Thaddeus Hutson

My wife and I attended the debate. Jones, of Cleburne, Texas, was a fast and energetic talker, but not careful in what he said. He walked into many of his own entanglements. Bro. Wallace was quick to point out these inconsistencies and contradictions. He offered many negative arguments which Jones was careful to let alone. Before the debate was up his inflated tires of egotism and self-assertions were badly punctured. He evidently felt his defeat, and it was hard for him to quit interrupting bro. Wallace while he was speaking. But in a few nights he tamed down and behaved much better. It was a great opportunity for bro. Wallace to educate the people on the acts, purpose, and spirit of the worship, and he made good use of the time. He showed that Jones' O.T. argument would justify the Sabbath of Adventists, the circumcision and animals sacrifices of the Jews, the incense of the Catholics, the polygamy of the Mormons, and the infant membership of the Methodists. Altogether it was conducted on a high plane. A debate like this should be held in every city. Truth fears not an investigation.