Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. D. Tant vs John R. Clark (Missionary Baptist)
January 28, 1932
Lexington, Alabama

(By W. M. Behel)

At Lexington, Ala., Dec. 15-18.

Great crowds. Bro. Tant gained many friends fo himself and the church. Mr. Clark was ungentlemanly in behavior. Several kept tabs on him. He used the term "Campbellite" and "Campbellism" over 800 times in two hours and thirty minutes. At first the Baptists seemed to enjoy it, but as the debate progressed his burlesques became less enjoyable. On the streets it was said, "We were Baptists before this, but now we are not." I predict that it will be a long time before the Baptists at Lexington will call Mr. Clark again. The last day ran 4 hours without a recess. The congregation was large, quiet and attentive. Many stood all four hours. The brethren were pleased with bro. Tant's defense of the truth.