Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. D. Tant
My Last Two Debates
December 8, 1927

I have recently met John R. Clark, Baptist, in debate near Corinth, Miss. He produced nothing new, but spent his whole time in preaching against "Campbellism" and "Campbellite" at least 3200 times, Our brethren were more than pleased at the gospel defense and challenged the Baptist to repeat the debate next year in the Baptist house. There were 6 - 8 preachers on both sides present.

From this debate I went to Gallitin, Tn. and met J. A. Sloan, Baptist, in debate. We debated 4 days. He never once used the term "Campbellite." He is more gentlemanly than Clark and makes better impression for his people, yet, he is one of the weakest men I ever met. He has no conception of proper division of the Bible and knows nothing of the plan of salvation. His debate was held in a Baptist stronghold.