Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. D. Tant vs Mr. Lowery (Missionary Baptist)
September 16, 1926
Dale, Illinois

(By J. D. Tant)

Debate held at Dale, Ill.

I am sure much good was done because large numbers of Baptists heard the gospel for the first time. Mr. Lowery made many untrue statements and the better element became disgusted with him. I have never met a Baptist since the days of the notorious "Bill Hicks," who had less regard for the truth and who worked harder to deceive the people than Lowery did. If the Baptists had not endorsed him he would be unworthy of notice.

Lowery argued and tried to make people believe:
(1) that the church of Christ teaches that all people, including all prophets, who died before Pentecost, were lost.
(2) that the church of Christ teaches that the water is our mother.
(3) that we teach sinless perfection in this life.
(4) that we teach Russellite doctrine of giving man a second chance after death. And after people have been taught such things by a man claiming to be sent of God, it is no wonder they are hard to reach with the truth.

Lowery came clear on Baptist doctrine and taught boldly that every child born into this world is born totally depraved and under just condemnation to eternal ruin; that it is wholly inclined to evil and cannot be saved unless in its dying moment Jesus regenerates it by his shed blood.

Bro. Jones, Metropolis, Ill., who is an able gospel preacher, was my moderator. He is almost alone this part in his fight for truth, as we have only a few other gospel preachers to help him out.