Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


G. W. Toland vs W. A. Campbell (Missionary Baptist)
September 13, 1923
Lone Oak, Arkansas

(By R. L. Ludlam)

The debate was held in a tent furnished by the church at Lone Oak, Arkansas, Aug. 14-17, 1923.

It was an important even in the Mt. Nebo community. Great crowds came. There were six Baptist preachers present; while bro. Toland and I (as his moderator) were the only "Christians only." Usual questions were debated: Apostasy, establishment of the church, baptism for the remission of sins.

This discussion afforded a great opportunity for the people of this Baptist stronghold to hear the message of salvation so forcefully presented by bro. Toland. And as a direct result, 50 penitent believers were baptized. 21 were baptized during bro. Toland's meeting before the debate began, making 71 in all.

Bro. Toland's presentation was clear and in the form of a teacher, and he held to the N.T. records, while his opponent would have recourse to history. The most interesting part of the occasion was the response from the audience at the close of each day. At the close of the first day, when the M. B. church was under discussion, and following bro. Toland's reply and after he had extended the invitation, 3 responded and asked for baptism. On the 2nd day when bro. Toland affirmed that the church of Christ is scriptural, 4 asked for baptism. On the 3rd day, when the eternal security (once saved, always saved) was discussed, one came for baptism. On the 4th day when baptism for remission of sins was discussed, 11 came forward for baptism.

After the debate, bro. Toland was asked to preach, and 32 more responded, thus making 51, including a Baptist preacher and his wife.