Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. A. Shultz vs Mr. Vermillion (Baptist)
September 12, 1901
Jackson Co., Arkansas

(By J. H. Lawson)

In debate at Jackson Co. Ark., Aug.26-31, 1901, each man affirmed general church propositions.

Mr. Vermillion did as well for the Baptist as any could do. He is a fast and forceful speaker, and has his subject well in hand. His weakness, however, was die to his doctrine. Bro.Shultz is one of the best posted men in the church of Christ and knows how to present an argument with force. I have been intimately associated with him for 10 years and know his ability.

The debate was stenographically reported and will appear in book form. I am sure it will be interesting from start to finish. There will be some "roughness" from both sides which I think should not be there but, all in all, the debate was a good one. Both men were able and did their very best and the book will be valuable. There were more than 50 gospel preachers present.