Jon Gary Williams
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N. W. Proffitt vs C. D. Massey (Missionary Baptist)
March 3, 1910
Location Unknown

(By N. W. Proffitt)

Dec. 13 at Puncheon Camp Baptist Church.

Mr. Massey affirmed that a person, once saved, count not apostatize. I gave numerous examples showing where his contention was false.

I affirmed baptism was for the remission of sins. I asked: "If the penitent sinner is saved by faith alone, what design can he have in being baptized?" Massey cited I Pet. 3:21. I said, then if you believe this passage we agree, and it clearly says in baptism one puts on Christ. I then showed him if we put on Christ in baptism, then we were not in Christ before baptism.

The debate was well attended and the interest was good. Some who heard the truth for the first time said: "Why, surely there are two sides." This was coming half way to the truth anyway.