Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. Curtis Porter vs D. N. Jackson (Landmark Baptist)
June 29, 1916
Hancock, Arkansas

(By T. A. Phillips)

I had the pleasure of moderating for bro. W. Curtis Porter in his debate with D.N. Jackson, June 12-18 at Handcock, near Manette, Ark.

Mr. Jackson had much to say about "Campbellism." However, he is an average Baptist debater and made the usual Baptist arguments. While bro. Porter is only 19 years old, I must say that I never saw a more complete victory for the truth than in this debate. Bro. Porter is simply fine in clearing away the rubbish that his opponent throws over an argument and in meeting their quibbles and sophistry. He is modest and unassuming and conducted himself throughout the debate in a manner that won the respect of all the good people present. I am sure much good was will come from the debate. Bro. Porter has written a splendid little booklet on apostasy. He has a bright future in the church.