Jon Gary Williams
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H. M. Phillips vs M. C. Johnson (Primitive Baptist)
June 9, 1932
Nashville, Tennessee

(By H. E. Winkler)

May 2 - for six days at Charlotte Ave. church in Nashville, Tenn.

Monday night Johnson affirmed: "The Baptist church was built by Jesus while he was on earth." His major effort was in showing that the Baptist church believes and practices things clearly taught in the Bible. Bro. Phillips showed that his arguments were not conclusive, for other denominations believed and practiced man by things taught therein, which according to the contention, would prove them all to be the one Jesus built, which reduced Johnson's argument to an absurdity.

Tues. night bro. Phillips affirmed apostasy and drove his conclusions to the center of the minds of his auditors. Wed. night Mr. Johnson affirmed: "The scriptures teach that God saves the alien sinner without any conditions on the sinner's part." His main argument was that the sinner is dead and that the work of regeneration is likened to a resurrection from the dead, to a grafting, to a creation, and to a translation, and that in all these things the sinner is passive. Bro. Phillips made a very strong denial of the speech and established the conditional point in order for man to become saved, and fortified himself with arguments and scriptures.

At the close of bro. Phillips first negative speech Mr. Johnson's moderator announced the debate was closed. He claimed that bro. Phillips was unfair. The audience, except one Baptist, said bro. Phillips was fair. All knew why they wanted to quit. Mr. Johnson was not strong in debate under fire by bro. Phillips. He seemed weak physically which handicapped him. Bro. Phillips is strong physically and mentally in the presentation of his claims, which well equips him.

Mr. Johnson's moderator, Mr. Scott, acted like it was Johnson's first time before a thousand people. He ordered bro. Phillips to stop counteracting Johnson's comments. Bro. Phillips said he would was there to argue points of doctrine and not "rules" of debate. Many believed the debate would have continued but for Mr. Scott. J. E. Acuff was the capable moderator for bro. Phillips.

Bro. Phillips preached the remaining three nights, with some immediate results. It is our conviction that much good will be the outcome.