Jon Gary Williams
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Hans V. Nowak vs Dr. Authur Jones (Atheist)
May 25, 1967
Nashville, Tennessee

(By Hans V. Nowak)

Hans V. Nowak, minister, Collegeside church of Christ, Cookeville, Tenn. was asked by the Biology Dept. of Tennessee Tech University to debate Dr. Authur Jones, Dept. of Zoology, University of Tenn. at Knoxville on the subject of "The Origin of Man." The debate occurred at WSM-TV studio in Nashville, April 30th.

Paul Tucker reported July 6: "It was a one hour debate. Following fifteen minute speeches and five minute rebuttals, time was given to question from the audience. Bro. Nowak was master of the situation. He presented. He presented a brief but strong case for the integrity of the inspired scriptures, and urged the acceptance of the origin of man as presented therein. With confidence and clarity he presented the truth. He also showed how many reputable scientists do not accept the evolutionary theory of the origin of man.

Bro. Nowak carried the case in a credible way for the truth. I seemed to some of us present that Dr. Jones showed signs of uncertainty and nervousness. He depended almost entirely upon the fossil arguments for his advocacy of the evolutionary theory. He certainly was not as masterful and confident in his presentation as was bro. Nowak."