Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Gus Nichols vs C. J. Weaver (Holiness)
August 3, 1944
Hunstville, Alabama

(By G. C. Brewer)

Debated at Huntsville, Ala., May 3-7, 1943. Propositions were: Holy Spirit baptism, water baptism as a condition of salvation, miracles or divine healing, and foot washing.

Bro. Nichols has grown marvelously since I have known him. He has been a diligent student, and is now one of the best informed Bible preachers living. Truly the word of Christ dwells in him richly. He has had to meet the various errors of sectarianism in their most stubborn and fanatical form -- often among very ignorant people. It would be hard to find a man who can more successfully refute and correct these errors than Gus Nichols can and at a moments notice. This is attributable to three things: 1) His thorough knowledge of God's word; 2) His familiarity with these errors and with the quibbles that men use to uphold them; 3) his natural kindness of disposition and his evident sincerity of his courteous treatment of and sympathy for those who hold these errors. These are the things that I would say make him a master in debate.

Mr. Weaver seems to be a reasonable man and is by no means a bad debater. He holds a much saner view of these things than many of his people. He makes as good a defense of his doctrines as any man could make, I believe, and he does it in a most commendable way. Any gospel preacher might count Mr. Weaver a worthy opponent in debate. He contended earnestly for his views in his debate with bro. Nichols. When he was in the affirmative, he tried to offer the proof for his propositions; and when he was in the negative, he seemed to do his best to follow bro. Nichols and to answer or to parry his points. He did not ignore them as a rule; and he never slurred, ridiculed, or attempted to make absurd any of his opponents position. Nor did bro. Nichols resort to such things on his side. I did not see any unkind expression, an abusive word, or an ugly epithet in the whole debate. This is a brotherly and scriptural discussion of Bible topics.