Jon Gary Williams
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James P. Miller vs Clarence Hamm (Missionary Baptist)
April 13, 1950
Zephyrhill, Florida

(By Clinton D. Hamilton)

Zephyrhill, Fla. - Feb. 8-10.

Attendance excellent. Many heard truth for first time. The debate planned for 3 propositions. Mr. Hamm wanted to affirm 3 nights "faith only." He believed he would win the debate. He began with a great deal of zeal, enthusiasm and power; but much of this vanished after bro. Miller's first reply. Through the rest of the debate Mr. Hamm floundered and wavered, and was never able to collect himself and present his arguments as he had in his first speech. John 5:24 and kindred passages were his mainstay.

After the first night the debate was a repetition of arguments made in the first few speeches. Bro. Miller is one of the most convincing and forceful debaters in his generation. He was master of the situation throughout.