Jon Gary Williams
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R. S. Lyon vs Ben Bogard (Baptist)
May 12, 1910
Near Donaldson, Arkansas

(By M. J. H. Joyce)

Debate held near Donaldson, Ark.

Bro. Lyon held tent meeting in Baptist stronghold. They thought Bogard would run him off. He agreed to meet Bogard. They discussed the general church propositions.

Bro Lyon in his affirmative quoted many scriptures to prove the establishment of the church. Bogard could not meet the arguments and his people saw his failure and openly confessed it. Bogard appealed to the prejudice of his people by calling the scriptures and arguments bro. Lyon used, "Campbellism" and darkened the counsel of God, at which he is an adept. When Bogard affirmed, he introduced but two scriptures in support of the Baptist church, and took up most of his time in history on his overland route.

Bro. Lyon traced the Baptist church back to the Catholic church, and he broke down Baptist doctrine so completely that it will take them a long time to rally. He showed by the scriptures that all God requires of us is to know the truth and be obedient to it; that we are not required to know about the denominations through the Dark Ages.

The debate did much good. Some had never heard the truth before. Bro. Lyon is an able and forceful preacher and debater, and will not disappoint any that may call him. He was so hoarse from cold that the last round of speeches had to be called off; but bro. Lyon had already tied Bogard so that he never could have extricated himself.