Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. H. Lawson - Lawyer and Debater
January 13, 1910
Report Of Three Good Debates

1) The first was held with Ben Bogard (Baptist) at Pie Flat, Custer Co., Okla. Interest and attention was good - much good done. Mr. Bogard is great in promises, but slow to fulfill them. He is a good speaker, but blows so much on his ability that folks of ability lose confidence inj his ability. If Mr. Bogard knew half as much as he pretends to know, he would be great indeed.

2) The second debate was held at Metcal, Harmony Co. Okla. with A. Nunnery (Baptist) of Granite, Okla, This was my second debate with Mr. Nunnery and it was most pleasant.

3) The third debate was held at Kirkland, Tx. with J.C. Weaver (Methodist) and continued 8 days, with 3 sessions each day, or a total of 48 sessions each. Mr. Weaver is considered the war horse of Methodism of Texas, but he is not a strong man in argument. He blows and asserts, but does not answer arguments. This was my second 8 days hitch with him, the first occurring some ten years ago at Mineola, TX.

I am ready to defend the truth, but am willing that others do it. I have now held my 57th religious discussion. I devote much of my time to the practice of law. But preach every Lord's day and hold debates when called for.