Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Toy H. Lanier vs J. E. Nicholson (Missionary Baptist)
September 19, 1935
Llano, Texas

(By T. Reginald Boley)

Aug. 20-23 at Plano, TX.

Mr. Nicholson had preached and made public statements about the teachings of the "Campbellite church." Bro. Lanier was called to defend the truth. He drove Nicholson from the Miss. Baptist teaching back to the Primitive Baptist strongholds. People came to hear as far as 50 miles away. Bro. Lanier proved very capable. Never abusing nor jesting beyond necessity. The crowd was 750. There was a fine spirit seen in the people - a spirit that indicates a good soil for the gospel. Mr. Nicholson could be very ugly. Bro. Lanier should be called for more debates for he us thoroughly capable.