Jon Gary Williams
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John T. Hinds vs L. S. Ballard (Baptist)
February 18, 1909
Dug Hill, Arkansas

(By John T. Hinds)

On Jan. 5 the writer and L. S. Ballard began a debate at Dug Hill, Benton Co, Ark.

The debate continued 4 days with 4 specific propositions. I found Mr. Ballard to be a very pleasant man in debate; in fact, he acted far better than is common with Baptist preachers. Not a joke was told on either side. A very great mistake was made by Mr. Ballard in affirming that the word translated "be baptized" in Acts 2:38 was middle voice. When shown the form in a Greek grammar, he still contended that it was not passive, but agreed to leave it to scholars. I obtained a statement from the Greek professor in the state university saying it is passive. I sent this note to him but he still insisted he was right. When you show a man a standard grammar and give him the highest authority in the state, it is useless to attempt more.