Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


A. R. Hill vs J. L. Smotherman (Methodist)
February 3, 1931
At Liberty, near Grandville, Texas

(By Robert E. Nesbitt)

One of the most interesting discussions I ever heard. Overflow crowds attended by the denominations, and dear brethren. They discussed 4 proposition and gave 4 hours to each. 1) design and mode of baptism, 2) infant baptism, 3) church membership, 4) work of the H. S.

Kindness, quietness and respect prevailed throughout the 4 days. There is a better spirit in the neighborhood now.

Mr. Smotherman is an old, experienced debater, and this was bro. Hill's first, but he was equal to the occasion. His general knowledge of the old Book and his faith in it's power and sufficiency made it easy for him, I did not hear a single Methodist claiming the victory. Even Mr. Smotherman showed it plainer than words could express it.

But bro. Hill in his humble way, says: "It is not I, it's the old Book." He is one of the humblest men I ever saw, yet as bold and powerful as Elijah of old, which made the truth stand out more clearly.