Jon Gary Williams
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Report of Hardeman/Boswell Debate
F. L. Paisley
June 28, 1923

While others are stating their ideas - I say it was a great victory for truth. Some say it was one-sided. It was, but not so much because of the personal weakness of Boswell. He had "studied the wrong lesson" and the truth was against him. Considering those two faults, he did well. Time was spent studying what the negative never disputed - the primary meaning of "psallo." For five nights Hardeman taught him that the "plucking" in the N. T. is done in the heart. This was new to him judging from the expression on his face during the powerful arguments of the negative.

Since this was to be the initial of a series of discussions on the question, we are wondering in this section just where, when, and by whom the next is to be. I think the book will be in demand by all those of the negative persuasion. May it also be widely read by all who think it scriptural to "sing with or without, but insist on the "with" even to the utter disregard of the Savior's prayer for unity and warning to add not to his word.