Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Hugh E. Garrett vs E. L. Owens (Baptist)
October 20, 1927
Ludowici (Long County), Georgia

(By R. A. Palmer)

September 12 - 24 at Ludowici (Long County), Georgia.

Owens challenged and Garrett accepted - general church propositions. Bro. Garrett opened with a wonderful speech that Mr. Owens never overcame it. He refused to answer questions and said he would quit the debate before he would answer. Owens said "Christian" was given in ridicule and that we do not believe in prayer because we do not pray for remission of sins of alien sinners at the mourner's bench. Garrett challenged him for discussion on the name and prayer, and Owens never replied. Instead of answering scriptural arguments, he spent his time relating death bed scenes and graveyard stories continually. Mr. Owens said he was going to read history to prove Baptist Church succession. He tried to prove one could eat Lord's Supper on Monday with the same authority that he could on first day of week.

Mr. Owens, trying to prove salvation by "faith only" challenged Bro. Garrett on Hebrews 11l, who said he was willing to hinge the debate on that chapter, and drove Owens so far away from it that he left the subject.

Bro. Garrett produced three charts during the debate and did all he could to get Owens to examine them, but he just called them "Garrett's play pretties." Mr. Owens handles the word of God more recklessly than any man we have ever heard.

Bro. Garrett produced much evidence from the Bible, and authentic scholars. We believe, to all unbiased minds, he proved his position. He presented the truth forcefully, but kindly, and in so doing kept the debate on a high plane.

Mr. Owens used same arguments every night and played for the sympathy of the audience. Bro. Garrett is an able defender of the truth, and we esteem him very highly.

R. A. Palmer moderated for Garrett. H. C. Long moderated for Owens.