Jon Gary Williams
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W. T. Boaz vs E. L. Maxwell
April 13, 1911
Sheffield, Alabama

(By Paul Hamlin)

Last summer two Adventist preachers pitched their tent in Sheffield, Alabama. They had about persuaded some members of the Church of Christ to "keep the Sabbath". The preachers said no man in Sheffield had the nerve to debate them. W. T. Boaz, Columbia, Tennessee was sent for. Boaz lectured on Adventism. They agreed to debate.

Boaz affirmed: "The scriptures teach that the first day of the week is the Lord's day, and was observed as such by early disciples. In accepting the proposition as it is worded, Bro. Boaz stated that he would do so with the understanding that the latter part of the proposition have this meaning: "The disciples for the first 300 years after the apostles: The Adventists had always claimed that the Pope of Rome had changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday and he wanted the proposition to cover that phase of the question. Mosherim said: "The Christians in the first century assembled for the worship of God, and for their advancement in piety, on the first day of the week, the day on which Christ resumed his life: for that this day was set apart for religious worship by the apostles themselves, and that after the example of the church of Jerusalem it was generally observed, we have unexceptionable testimony. Ignatius to the Magnesians, Chapter 9 "If, therefore, those who were brought up in the ancient order of things have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the Sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord's day, on which also our life has sprung up again by him and by his death." This was in 107 A.D.

Boaz also quoted Justin Martyr, Barnabas and many others who lived in the first, second, and third centuries, showing that the claims of the Adventists that the Pope changed the Sabbath is false. He had with him all the Anti-Nicene fathers and used them effectively against Maxwell. Challenge after challenge was made for the name of the Pope who even claimed to have changed the Sabbath from Saturday to the first day and it was never done. Bro. Boaz said Adventists always made this claim. In almost all of their books are filled with garbled extracts and misquotations of history and with all these charges he never could get Maxwell to give any proof except one little tract written by one of his own men. Bro. Boaz begged Maxwell to find just one congregation this side of the cross that worshiped as the Seventh-Day Adventist do today.

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