Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. T. Boaz vs I. N. Penick (Baptist)
February 27, 1908

(By W. T. Boaz)

In June 1907, I went to Newbern, Tennessee and preached for ten days. When I got there I was informed that Mr. Butler, the Baptist Pastor, had said that he would present some questions that I would never answer. I gave him a chance every night, but his mouth was closed when I left. When he preached on some subjects that I had investigated in the meeting, Dr. W. T. Eatherly presented him with a written challenge to debate.

The Baptist Church voted 41 to 15 to have the debate. So I was notified by my brethren. When I was notified by the Baptist that my opponent would be I. N. Penick, he tried to change the two propositions already signed for six new ones that Penick wrote out. I told him I had accepted the Baptist challenge for the original two propositions. He said he would not meet me unless he had the first and last speech. I wrote Penick several letters trying to get him to debate. I even agreed to let him have the first and last speech. He could write the propositions and I would debate them. He backed down and refused to meet me on the ground that I was not a fair man in debate. I am ready to meet Mr. Penick at any time and any place when called upon. I wrote these few lines regarding the Newberrn debate so the public will know why the debate was called off. I would be glad if the church in Newbern would have this article published in one of the Newbern papers.

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