Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Bynum Black vs A. Nunnery (Baptist)
November 17, 1927
Dewar, Oklahoma

(By Bynum Black)

This discussion was held at Dewar, Oklahoma. We had a fine hearing. Brethren came from Muskogee, Okmulgee, Henryetta, Stidham, Schulter, Wainwright, Checotah, and all over Oklahoma. The Baptist pastor of the town came out the first night, and his whole flock swarmed out. But by the third time we met to resume the debate the brethren informed me that they could count only five, and four of that number got up and left when I got up to make my second speech. I treated the Baptists nice and treated Elder Nunnery like a brother.

Nearly three years ago I held a meeting at Schulter, a small town five miles from Dewar. This was a mission meeting. The brethren at Okmulgee gave me much support and came and sang during the meeting. The few brethren who live at Dewar came and brought in their cars some of the best and most influential Baptists in the town of Dewar. These were baptized. The brethren then got anxious for a meeting at Dewar. We went there and held a fine meeting, being ably assisted in the singing by Brother Albert Hall. This meeting resulted in establishing the brethren there in the faith, and since that time they have purchased a house and have been growing in faith and numbers.

The Baptists in Dewar were strong and had a good house to worship in. They had decided to build a better one, and had the lot and some of the material on the ground. After that meeting, they decided not to build. They disposed of what material they had. The pastor felt called upon to attack what he thought was Campbellism and preached a sermon to a large crowd. In this same discourse he said that he would pay any man $25.00 for a history that mentioned the man or men who started the Baptist Church; that it had its origin in the days of Christ and was founded by him on the Mount (Luke 6). Elder A. Nunnery, editor of the Baptist Worker, offered his help to the brethren in his paper and expressed a desire to meet us any time. So the debate was arranged. Many outsiders attended and heard the discussion. We were sorry our Dewar Baptists suddenly quit. I produced the book and called for my $25.00, but never collected it. How long can a preacher hold people in ignorance and blindness? The cause of Christ is gaining ground in all places in the West. But we need more laborers.

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