Jon Gary Williams
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Bynum Black vs Sherrill
January 25, 1912

(By Charles F. Reese)

Bro. Bynum Black of Ravenden Springs, Arkansas held a meeting at Dierks, Arkansas last October and baptized 16.

Bro. Black and Mr. Bogard were booked to debate at Dierks, but Bogard sent Elder Sherrill of Little Rock. The debate was held during Xmas week. Large crowds and good order. The church proposition discussed. This was Bro. Black's sixty-fourth debate. He is now in the prime of life and has his lesson perfectly. The whole debate was a treat to all. Four prominent Baptists congratulated Bro. Black at the close, telling him that they had heard a number of able debates, but that they had never heard as able and forcible a defense as he made. The brethren were unanimous in saying it was a superb victory for the truth. So far as can be heard, all outsiders give us victory and our man praised for his Christian conduct and ability. One Baptist gentleman said that Baptist doctrine was much weaker than he had ever thought and that he had no more money to invest in it any more. He is a brother of a Baptist preacher. Bro. Black had debated Bogard four times and was sorry he sent a substitute to Dierks.

Bro. Black is the author of three books: Thirty-Six Plain Contrradictions Between Methodism and the Bible, Sixty-Four Loaded Bombshells in the Mormon Ranks, and Fifty Reasons for Not Being a Baptist. Each was 35 cents in cost. He sold many at the debate.

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