Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


E. E. Findley vs W. T. Singley (Methodist)
September 28, 1911
Ellis County, Texas

(By G. F. Mills)

I want to say a few words in regard to the cause and conditions that led up to a debate between E. E. Findley, Church of Christ, and W. T. Singley, M.E.C., at St. Pauls Methodist Church at Ellis County, Texas. Five years ago there were a few scattered members in this country and no organized church. We got Bro. Findley to hold a meeting for us, and every year since he and other brethren have held meetings for us. Bro. Mason held a short meeting and baptized some. Bro. Horace Busby held some meetings for us and baptized a goodly number. Last May, Bro. Joe S. Warlick met Mr. Beckham of the M. E. Church, South at Britton, in this neighborhood. So this debate began September 5, at night, closing on the following Tuesday night with two extra sessions on Lord's Day.

Mr. Singley lead and tried to establish the church in the family of Abraham and perpetuating it down to the present time. Mr. Singley went to Genesis 17 on circumcision. Bro. Findley showed that that covenant was a law covenant and had no Christ in it and no eternal life; that it was selfish, and that it belonged to the Jew by blood and his money; that the gospel was proselyting and that it was offered to the entire world--"Whosoever will"; and it was not right to perpetuate a thing that distinguished one Christian from all other Christians, for we are all one in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Mr. Singley said that the Savior was sprinkled in the river Jordan, and that to induct him into his priestly office. Bro. Findley showed that there was no need nor common sense in that, and that Christ could not be a priest on earth (Hebrews 8:4) and if he was a priest, he was the victim too. Mr. Singley, when pressed, said that he had gone down into the water and sprinkled a candidate for baptism (there were a good many Missourians in the congregation). Mr. Singley said that he did not believe that the Bible taught immersion for baptism, but that he would practice it. Bro. Findley shamed him for claiming to be called and sent of God, and practicing and doing things that he does not believe the word of God teaches.

Mr. Singley said that the children of Israel were free as soon as Pharaoh let them go. Bro. Findley showed that there was no rejoicing until they reached the farther shore; and that if Moses was a type of Christ and the children of Israel were a type of the children of God (and they are), then Pharaoh was a type of Satan and his soldiers a type of sin.

Fro. Findley showed that John Wesley said Romans 6:4 meant immersion as practiced by the early Christians. Elder Singley said "buried" meant to stay. Bro. Findley replied, "Elder Singley, you are going to die sometime, and it will be a sad time which your friends and those that love you so well. They have no hope of meeting you again, if "buried" means to stay. The rolling years of time may sweep on - aye, eternity may dawn and grow old - and yet you stay in your grave, if "buried" means to stay. Ah, it is not so; but the doctrine of men will drive people to such straits. If "buried" means to stay, then Christ is not risen, he is an imposter, and the contention of the Roman soldiers that His disciples stole His body while they slept is correct, and the angels that sat at the head and foot of the tomb of Christ were deceived when they told the woman that he was risen. Give me a Christ that I can see across the moss-covered graves of my dear departed dead, and who assures me that their sleeping dust will come forth from the grave at the resurrection."

Bro. Findley had endeared himself to us by the work that he had done before the debate, having baptized near one half that had been added to the church since he began to preach for us.

We had a nice time at the debate. Clear weather; large, intelligent, and interested crowds of people and the best of feelings between the debaters and among the people on each side. We think much good was done. The sects will not hear us preach, but in the debate we got the truth before them.

We heartily endorse Bro. Findley as a sound, faithful preacher, and the brethren will make no mistake in calling him to expose error and vindicate the truth. We were well pleased with the work he did in the debate, and have heard many words of commendation for him since he left.