Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


B. L. Douthitt vs L. R. Riley (Missionary Baptist)
December 10, 1925
Mt. Olivet Church of Christ

(By David Thompson)

At Mt. Olivet Church of Christ, near Kirksey, Kentucky, November 17-20.

Elder Riley affirmed Baptist Church was scriptural. He used Isaiah 2:2; Daniel 2:44 and other scriptures. Douthitt showed these scriptures referred to Christ's church and not a Missionary Baptist and called repeatedly for a passage that named the Baptist Church. Riley said Christ's church baptized and did mission work and was for those reasons a Missionary Baptist Church. Bro. Douthitt replied that almost every denomination baptized and did missionary work and had as much right to call themselves Missionary Baptists as Riley's people. They could read authority for their existence as well as the Baptist. Elder Riley admitted that a person could be saved out of the Baptist Church just as well as in one; but when pressed as to whether one could be saved out of Christ's church or not, he gave no definite answer.

Douthitt affirmed the Church of Christ and used Daniel 7:13-14; Isaiah 8:15-16; Zechariah 1:16, Zechariah 6:12-15 and Mark 9:1. These were presented from a large chart and the fulfillment of each statement on the day of Pentecost clearly shown. He showed from the Bible the name which the New Testament church was called, and affirmed it was scriptural to wear no other. "I have never heard a clearer or more logical affirmation of the church question by any one."

During the debate, Elder Riley made several concessions worthy of note: (1) The Bible knows nothing of the Missionary Baptist Church, but does give authority for Missionary Baptist Church. (2) The faith that does not produce work will not save. (3) Sin will not send a man to hell. (4) A man does not have to live a good life to go to heaven. (5) God will write 100% to the name of every child of God regardless of the life he lives.

Bro. Douthitt ably defended the truth and thoroughly exposed error. Those attending have had a fine opportunity to see the fallacy of Missionary Baptist doctrine and eternity above can tell the good done. The last two days overflowed the house. J. M. Hooker moderated for Riley; David Thompson moderated for B. L. Douthitt.