Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Will J. Cullum (Houston, Texas) vs J. A. Watson (Missionary Baptist)
Cleveland, Texas
July 5, 1934

(By R. E. Griffith)

Mr. Watson has been Pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist Church for nine years and was endorsed by them for this discussion. Bro. Cullum has been laboring with the Summer and Johnson Streets Church of Christ for three years. Bro. Cullum affirmed Baptism and Apostasy.

Mr. Watson made usual Baptist arguments and his brethren considered him an able man. On apostasy he said, "Mr. Cullum and I differ on this proposition. We cannot be both right. God is on one side and the devil is on the other." From Genesis 3, Bro. Cullum showed that God was not on the Baptist side. Watson used I John 3:9 to prove that a child of God cannot fall. Cullum came back with fifteen questions and scriptural quotations to which Watson would not even mention. When pressed to do so, his moderator said that he did not have to answer the questions and arguments, but that if he did not do so you will know the reason why. And they all knew why. It could not be done.

Mr. Watson charged Bro. Cullum with trying to create confusion in their community by trying to get land on which to build a meeting house, but one of Watson's brethren went against him and publicly sustained Bro. Cullum.