Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Joe S. Warlick vs J. Carroll Stark (Christian Church - Instrumental Music)
January 25, 1906
(Unknown location)

(By M. C. Kurfees)

Start affirmed: "The word of God authorizes the use of instrumental music for praise in the church of Jesus Christ." If the word of God does not, in some way, authorize a practice which is attended by strife, discord, division, alienation and animosity among the children of God, surely Christians ought to be willing to refrain from it.

I. Stark said: Instrumental music in the worship of God b y David's authority - that David was a prophet through whom the spirit of Christ (I Pet. 1:10,11) spoke. David calls upon people in the psalms to praise God with instruments. The Holy Spirit in the N.T. calls upon Christians to admonish one another with psalms. From all of which he concludes the practice at the present time is authorized by Christ. Bro. Warlick answered: No act of David is of authority today unless the same act is authorized by the N.T., and even in such a case it could not be authorized now because David commanded it, but because of its N.T. endorsement.

II. Stark used "psallo." He misapplied the definition - used only part of Thayer's definition is given. Thayer is the highest authority on N.T. Greek. The part omitted is the part that gives the N.T. Meaning of psallo, and this parts doses not contain inst. music.

Bro. Warlick clearly exposed Mr. Stark to represent Thayer correctly and he met completely the argument on psallo. I regard this debate as a strong defense of the truth.