Who am I? - Lesson 4

I am a Christian


    1. The word "Christian" is used very often in the world, but it is rarely used in the Bible.

      1. In fact, it only appears in three verses: Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1Peter 4:16.

      2. People in the world use "Christian" to describe many things such as music, books, and even nations, but the Bible uses the term exclusively to describe followers of Jesus Christ.

    2. Despite the rare usage of the word "Christian" in the Scriptures, we can still know much about Christians because we know much about Christ.

      1. The Bible reveals to us everything that we need to know about Jesus -- His life, His death, His resurrection and ascension, His teachings, and His examples.

      2. If anyone calls himself a Christian, then learning all about Christ is mandatory so that he may know exactly who he is claiming to be.

    3. Let us consider what it really means to claim, "I am a Christian," and whether we can make that claim.



    1. The name "Christian" describes a person who is a follower of Jesus Christ.

      1. In the original language, christianos (Christian) means "an adherent of the anointed one." The Greek word christos means "anointed one" and is equivalent to the Hebrew word messias, or Messiah.

      2. When we use the name "Christian," we are expressing a connection with the person of Christ.

        1. Such a name must not be used carelessly, but instead it should be used with all the reverence that Christ deserves.

        2. One who claims to be a Christian is making a claim to being like Christ Himself.  Therefore, it is more than a name -- it is a profession.

    2. Is there a difference between being saved and being a Christian?

      1. Scripturally, the same person who is described as being saved is also called a Christian.

      2. However, describing a person as being saved is different from describing him as a Christian.  These two descriptions identify different aspects about the same person.

        1. When we say that a person is saved, we are acknowledging that he has been spared from punishment for sin by God.

        2. When we say that a person is a Christian, we are saying that he is a follower of Jesus Christ. This is a person who lives by the teachings of Christ and imitates His examples.

    3. Following the initial steps to be saved is easy.  However, being a Christian requires a greater effort.

      1. The initial steps of salvation are to hear the word of God (Rom. 10:17), believe the truth of His word about Jesus (Acts 8:37), confess that belief (Rom. 10:8-10), repent (Acts 2:38), and be baptized into Christ (Acts 22:16).

      2. The sad truth is that many who have obeyed these initial steps of the gospel for salvation have never really become Christians according to the definition of the word.

      3. For a person to rightly be called a Christian, it means that there is something about him that makes him like Jesus Christ and not just that he was once baptized.

    4. Therefore, to be a Christian, a person's lifetime goal should be to conform to the image of Christ Himself.

      1. This has always been the will of God and according to His eternal plan, "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren" (Rom. 8:29).

      2. The image of God's Son is obtained when we imitate Him, just as Paul wrote, "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ" (1Cor. 11:1). Only then can one say, "I am a Christian."

      3. The result of conforming to Christ's image is "that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ" (2Thess. 1:12).



    1. Christ is the high standard of measure for a Christian.  Therefore, let us notice the examples of Jesus that we are directed to imitate in the Bible.

    2. Jesus is an example of the humble service that Christians must render to one another.

      1. Consider John 13:1-17.

        1. The Son of God girded Himself with a towel and washed the feet of His disciples.

        2. He explained, "For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you" (v. 15).  This is not a mandate for foot washing, but rather it is a pattern for serving and exalting others.

        3. Notice that He said, "A slave is not greater than his master; neither is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him" (v. 16). Surely, if the Son of God can serve His disciples in such a humble way, then Christians should likewise serve one another.

      2. Notice Philippians 2:3-8.

        1. We are admonished to have the attitude of Christ toward one another.

        2. Christ's attitude was that He could serve as a bond-servant even though He was equal with God. Therefore, Christians must not think that they are above becoming bond-servants for one another.

    3. Jesus is also an example of trust and faithful obedience to God.

      1. Consider 1Peter 2:20-25.

        1. This message was originally written for Christians who were suffering unjustly for doing what was right.

        2. To encourage them, the example of Christ is cited, noting that He also suffered injustice for sins that were not His own.

          1. He did not cry out for His own sake or demand His rights, for He knew that His suffering was the will of God.

          2. He obeyed God and demonstrated His faithfulness in the Father by trusting God through His ordeal.

        3. If Christ quietly submitted to God's will in death, then certainly Christians must also submit and trust the Father, even if it means suffering for His name (1Pet. 4:16).

      2. Again notice Philippians 2:3-8.

        1. Jesus became obedient "to the point of death, even death on a cross" (v. 8).  In doing this, He became perfect by learning obedience (Heb. 5:8-9).

        2. If Christ obeyed to the point of death, then His followers must be obedient to the same extent (Rev. 2:10).

    4. Jesus provides the example of living life without sin.

      1. 1Peter 2:22 says that Christ "committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth."

        1. This is a quotation from Isaiah chapter 53, which describes Jesus as the sinless Lamb of God slaughtered for the sins of the world.

        2. Christ was tempted as we are, yet He did not sin (Heb. 4:15).  His life proves that we do not have to sin, and Christians must strive to imitate His pattern.

      2. Notice Romans 6:1-14.

        1. The message here is that Christians are to live free from sin, for Christ died to set us free.

        2. To teach this, the comparison is made between Christ's physical death, burial, and resurrection, and the Christian's spiritual death, burial, and resurrection.

          1. Christ died in the flesh, and a Christian died to sin.

          2. Christ was buried in a tomb, and a Christian was buried in baptism.

          3. Christ was raised to live again in the flesh, and a Christian was raised to live in spirit to God.

        3. With this understanding, we see that to be like Jesus in His resurrection means that Christians are to have "newness of life" (v. 4), that is, a life that is different from the old pattern of sin.



    1. The name "Christian" is not to be worn lightly, for it is a claim that one bears the image of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

      1. If you claim to be a Christian, then you must imitate every aspect of Christ in your life.

      2. Realize that if you claim to be a Christian, then what you do reflects upon the Lord in the eyes of those around you.

    2. The name "Christian" should be worn with honor and joy, for it is a privilege to be called after the Lord.

      1. The blessings of being a Christian far outweigh any burdens that may be required by following after Jesus.  Just to be associated with the Christ is a great reward.

      2. Therefore, receive the honor of being a Christian and make your life's ambition to be like Him.